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Blog Journal #10

      Working on Assignment 5: Powerpoint Interaction helped me acquire skills I did not anticipate. The first of these is how to create a sensible flow of information. I had to find the balance between being creative and conveying accurate information in a way that students would understand. In regards to the skills required for making the actual presentation, I now am able to time my transitions appropriately. I am also able to layer graphics and create hyperlinks. I think one of the things I did not like about the assignment was the length/number of slides we had to include, but I also layered a lot of information on every slide so I think that put more work on myself. Next time, I would be more consistent in my transitions and use more visual/audio effects like videos and music. Maybe I would include videos of the real scientific processes for some of the experiments.     As a teacher, I think I could use Qualtrics to gauge classroom engagement. Do my students feel like lessons are

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