Blog Journal 4

     Standard LAFS.8.SL.2.5 from the ELA Standards and Technology Matrix states that students will be able to integrate "multimedia and visual displays" into works they are presenting with the intention to clarify the information as well as strengthen their claims and add interest to the presentation as a whole. Based on my current skillset, I feel prepared to partially implement this standard. I understand how to incorporate such technology into my lessons in a few ways which I think would achieve the purpose of the standard. I have used online poster recorders, iMovie, and audio recorders as described in the suggested technology on the matrix. However, I also know that there are many more ways to achieve this standard as well using technology I am unfamiliar with, so I would like to spend more time learning about this to ensure that the students are getting comprehensive instruction and have the freedom to choose the options they like best for their presentations. 

    Standard SC.6.E.7.7 for 6th Grade Science is "Investigate how natural disasters have affected human life in Florida". This standard on CPALMS lists 8 related courses, 3 related access points, 19 related resources, 1 model activity, 1 original student tutorial, and 1 student resource. I think the tool that may be most beneficial is the model-eliciting activity. This activity, titled "Gone with the Wind... NOT!", not only incorporates real-world applications but also allows for student collaboration and research. This open-ended, interdisciplinary activity would be greatly beneficial to students. There are also 8 lesson plans available, so I could use these in my classroom to frame my lesson and cover this standard effectively.

    I believe it is important to be proficient in internet searching as a teacher because teachers are learners, too. As an educator, you are constantly learning about new information in the field, needing to research answers to students' questions to which you may not know the answers, and searching for new resources and technology to integrate into your lessons. I think moving forward the skill I will use most is adding filters to my searches, whether that is on something like the library database or on Google Advanced Search. It is often overwhelming to get thousands of results, but if I apply filters and keywords to specify what I am looking for, the results will be much more navigable. I think one internet searching tool I remember from school that we did not mention is alternative search engines such as Duck Duck Go that limit searches to child-appropriate, educational sources for safe classroom use. 


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